Thursday, December 12, 2013

Final Presentation Slides

Hi everyone,

Here are our final presentation slides for you to see. Hope you enjoyed the presentation!

Here is a direct link:

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Some more ideas about our Visualization Design


We had a meeting to talk about the concept for our Energy down project. This is what we came up with:

Identifying our data set:

Form: location, dates, an amount
Data type: numbers presenting amount of energy consumption, numbers representing time, string representing addresses.
Internal structure: some kind of scale, comparison
Limits: no co-ordinate is smaller than 0. No date is older 2000.

Gamification part: We should be able to simulate history & comparison with others. 

Level one: Global over view “simcity”

The user sees a map of the city, represented in a videogame-like atmosphere (simcity-like for example Areas on this map glow according to the energy consumption.

“The Battle game of energy”

You can battle against different people from the city and based on your energy consumption/level you have different amount of energy/strength for the battle.

You can choose opponent by clicking on the map or entering their address.

When you win a battle (animation you get some points according to how good your opponent is (how little energy he uses). You can battle 5 times per day.

People are then ranked according to the number of points they gained from battles.

Level two: Individual level.

By clicking on their house/block, a person can see the energy consumption of their own apartment, their building, city part and compare it to their neighbors (average for privacy issue) and other buildings, city parts etc. This would be represented inside a model of their building (google maps 3D modeled view)

They can also see the evolution of their own consumption over time and simulate the future impact of different actions (for example, “show the energy consumption if I don’t use lights for a week”)

Some links to prior projects and datasets:

  Gamified approach to change in behaviour with energy data (Helsinki pilot)

  Data samples from US

  Statistical history data on energy use in Helsinki

Friday, November 15, 2013

First Sketches - Energy Use Down!

We sent an e-mail to our client and we determined that most of what we can do is based on the data (and types of data) that we will get/have access to.

In the first meeting of the project we drew this sketch and the basic idea is to implement gamification in three levels.

Overall specifications that we talked about are

- real time data
- spatial (google maps like)
- spatial (same space over time)
- game (comparison btw different places, btw different times)

that basically divides us in three levels as before mentioned

LEVEL 1 (maps, data visualization)

LEVEL 2 (representation)
2D X 3D (Sim City)

LEVEL 3 (Video game feel)
What’s the price? Reward.

And here some website links where we can gather our info:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Presentation on "Light and Lighting"

Hello everyone,

Today was our Theory presentation on Light and Lighting. For those who would be interested to take a closer look a the slides, here is a link to the Google Drive presentation:

Let's now focus on the Energy Use Down! problematic ;)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Introduction to raytracing


In our theory presentation about light and lightning representations, we will introduce and detail several techniques for modeling and rendering light. One of the most important is the ray tracing technique, which is used to compute a 2D image as the perception of a 3D modeled scene from a virtual viewer.
Here is a basic introduction to the theory of ray tracing in practice:

This webpage presents the basic ideas behind the implementation of ray tracing and the different situations that have to be dealt with in order to create an accurate rendering of a scene.
During our presentation, we will explain in more details the theory of this method and its implementation.