Thursday, October 31, 2013

Presentation on "Light and Lighting"

Hello everyone,

Today was our Theory presentation on Light and Lighting. For those who would be interested to take a closer look a the slides, here is a link to the Google Drive presentation:

Let's now focus on the Energy Use Down! problematic ;)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Introduction to raytracing


In our theory presentation about light and lightning representations, we will introduce and detail several techniques for modeling and rendering light. One of the most important is the ray tracing technique, which is used to compute a 2D image as the perception of a 3D modeled scene from a virtual viewer.
Here is a basic introduction to the theory of ray tracing in practice:

This webpage presents the basic ideas behind the implementation of ray tracing and the different situations that have to be dealt with in order to create an accurate rendering of a scene.
During our presentation, we will explain in more details the theory of this method and its implementation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Rendering is a religion!"

Here's a good article explaining different rendering methods and technologies used by both hobbyists and big companies.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

First material - Light and Lightning Representations

As a start of our research for the theory project, we searched for basic information about the topic. This enabled us to get a better idea of the field we will have to understand and organize for our presentation. Indeed, from these basic concept explanations, we are able to grasp the relations between the concepts related to light and lightning, as well as which of them deserve to be investigated in more details.
Here are a few links that came up during this research, introducing most of the concepts we are going to deal with in the Final presentation:

Furthermore, we will also use Digital Lighting and Rendering (2nd Edition), a book by Jeremy Birn as a basis for our research, as it presents quite exhaustively different representation of light rendering.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Welcome ! Team and Projects Introduction

Welcome to our team's Dynamic Visualization Design blog!

This blog presents our work in the Dynamic Visualization Design course from Aalto University.

We are a team of four students from Aalto University in Finland:
- Juuso, a Finnish MA student in New Media
- Andre, a Brazilian MA student in New Media
- Mari, a Finnish fashion designer student
- Silvain, an engineer student with innovation management background

This course gathers two different projects that our team will achieve over the next two months.

The first project is a theoretical research about the topic of 'Light and Lightning Representations'. Our task is to undergo a research phase to grasp the main point of this wide topic and ultimately present them to the other members of the course.

For the second project, with a much longer preparation time, we need to create a concept of Dynamic Visualization prototype, according to the following brief:

Energy Use Down!
"Visualize the real-time measurements of energy consumption by households in an efficient way, enabling inhabitants to understand the full measure of their habits on energy consumption. The ultimate goal is to make people aware of their actual energy consumption. The visualization can be in 2D or 3D, real-time or not, as well as make use of other data sources. Furthermore, the visualization can be displayed on-screen or on site. Finally, processes like gamification can be used for example by introducing competition between neighboring house blocks."

Our team will use this blog in order to show our projects advancement and share the process that we are following in the achievement of these projects.